This handout gives tips to help lower the risk of aspiration and choking. It includes check boxes for a speech pathologist to indicate the most helpful tips for the patient.
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This handout gives helpful tips on how to stay safe and healthy while traveling. Included are a list of medicines to take, and what to include in a "traveler's medical kit."
This document is part of the "Rehab and Beyond" manual. It discusses home safety, fire safety, personal safety, and what to do in case of an emergency.
This handout is for patients of University Reproductive Care who are having a saline infusion sonogram. This exam uses sound waves to create images of the uterus. It will show if you have polyps, fibroids, or scar tissue in the uterus.
This handout shows how the "Prostate Cancer Road Map" can be used to estimate your risk for cancer and to help lower your risk for cancer. This sample uses an imaginary patient called "John Smith."
This handout gives tips for saving energy while doing daily activities. Included are sections on pacing, supporting the body, organizing the home, and planning self-care and household tasks so that they are not as tiring.
This handout explains what scalp cooling therapy is and answers frequent questions about costs, side effects, how to start scalp cooling therapy, and what to expect during therapy.
This handout explains incision scars and how to help them heal. It includes sections on massage, sun exposure, nutrition, hypertrophic scars and keloids, and using silicone sheets to help scar tissue form.
This handout explains how to use a scopolamine patch. This patch is used to help prevent nausea and vomiting after having general anesthesia. Important precautions and side effects are included.
This handout describes screening mammograms, exams of the breasts that are used to detect cancer. It includes the reasons for getting a mammogram, the risks involved, how to prepare, what to expect, and how to get the exam results.
This handout is Appendix D of the booklet "Caring for Yourself and Your New Baby." It explains the different screening tests given to newborn babies and why they are important.
This handout explains how to prepare for and what to expect from sedation for radiation therapy. This medicine is needed for some types of radiation treatment.
This handout explains moderate sedation and minimal sedation, which may be used for some radiology procedures and exams. It explains what to expect, how to prepare, and what to do after sedation.
This handout explains the reasons for meeting with a behavioral health provider at the Center for Pain Relief. It covers what to expect at your visit and how Center providers can help you manage your pain.
This handout gives a first-aid checklist and tells when to call the doctor in the event of a seizure.
This handout explains selective nerve root block, a procedure to find out if a certain nerve is the cause of a patient's pain. Includes an explanation of the procedure, how to prepare, what results to expect, instructions for medicines, activities, side effects, filling out a pain diary, and follow-up care.
This handout for chemotherapy patients at University of Washington Medical Center explains how to take care of yourself when you leave the hospital. It includes sections on nausea and vomiting, constipation, food safety, fatigue, infections, handling body fluids, and hair loss.
This handout explains self-care after having radiation therapy for head and neck cancer. It includes sections on skin care, mouth care, lymphedema, nutrition, swallowing, pain medicine, exercises, thyroid function, stopping smoking, alcohol use, cancer surveillance, and follow-up care. This document is also a chapter in the manual "Your Guide to Head and Neck Radiation Therapy."
This handout explains self-care after having radiofrequency ablation. This procedure cauterizes (burns) small areas of the heart to help correct heart arrhythmias.
This handout is a chapter in the manual "Managing Your Heart Condition." It explains self-care at home after having a procedure to treat a serious type of heart attack called a STEMI (ST-elevated myocardial infarction). It includes a list of warning signs that require a call to the doctor and a daily log for tracking heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, and other vital signs.
This handout gives basic self-care instructions to follow after having a lumbar puncture, also called a spinal tap.
Discusses appearance concerns for cancer patients, special reading concerns, and opportunities to volunteer in cancer care. Included as part of Care Binder.
This handout is for our patients with gynecologic cancer. It gives warning signs to watch for and tips on how to stay as healthy as you can.
This document is part of the "Rehab and Beyond" manual. It covers good habits, how to plan the day, managing fatigue, getting supplies, and staying current with research and technological developments.
This handout explains how men can put in a catheter using the clean technique. Illustrations are included.